Welcome to Crash course on parallel computing 2017
Oeiras, Portugal, 17-21 July
Crash course on parallel computing aka Crash24h@Tecnico.ULisboa is a course intended for master and PhD students with previous knowledge on programming who want to learn and increase their skills in advanced computing, in particular using parallelization (OpenMP, MPI and CUDA).
Crash24h@Tecnico.ULisboa can grant you 1,5 ECTS! Get to know more details in Programme.

One of the main goals of the course is to promote a lively interaction between the students and lecturers during the breaks, visits and lunchtime. In addition there will be plenty of outdoor activities.
Crash24h@Tecnico.ULisboa is organized by Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon and sponsored by Instituto de Plasmas e Fusão Nuclear, IPFN.
Instituto Superior Técnico is a NVIDIA GPU Education Center.